Voice of Tonga broadcasts on Tuesdays and Fridays, the playlist is mixed for the programs socially and culturally diverse audience. The program broadcasts a variety of information and entertainment.
The programs are divided into sections: Global news from the world and local latest news and community notices, women & family, cultural and traditions, seniors and aged and live dialogues from communities in Australia and overseas. The program provides politically independent news, opinions and dialogues bilingual service for our listeners around the world. Topics as youth, health, education and family traditions are the topics the program devotedly discuss. 80 percent of the music is Tongan, ranging from the music your grandmother would love to hear to modern upbeat FOB music by Tongan artists and English music derived from the sixties and the seventies with the main genre –country music.
Voice of Tonga is broadcasting what its listeners what to hear and they invite you all to call in for live on-air dialogue.
In Tongan
Malo e lelei! Te mou ma’u ‘a e ngaahi ongoongo fakamuimui taha mei tu’apule’anga mo e fonua ni mei he Le’o ‘o Tonga pea pehe foki ki he ngaahi ongoongo ‘omai hangatonu mei Tonga mei he Letio Tonga, 'i he taimi 11pongipongi 'a Australia. Ko e houa ‘e 5 he ‘aho Falaite (9am ki he 2pm) ‘oku takitaha pe houa mo hono talanga mo e tefito’I kaveinga. Ko e Lo’au mei he Ngaluope mei he 9 ki he 10, Hama ‘o eVaka ‘I ‘api (kakai fefine mo e family) 10 kihe 11. Houa kava Tonga mei he 11 kihe 12, Houa ‘o e kau Toulekeleka mei he 12 ki he 1 pea Felaafoaki mo e ngaahi popoaki, fanongonongo mo e Request mai ho’o mou ngaahi fasi manako ‘I he houa faka’osi mei he 1 ki he 2.
'Oku 'i ai moe polokalama Le'o 'o Tonga 'i he 'aho Tusite mei he 1.30pm ki he 5 efiafi. 'Oku 'i ai pe hono ngaahi polokalama makehe 'ona, koe Fofola e Fala kae Talanga 'a Kainga, Kau Toulekeleka 'a Tonga pea 'i he houa faka'osi koe ngaahi fanongonongo, felaafoaki moe Request ki ho'o mou ngaahi fasi manako. Fakaafe’I ‘a e kau fanongo letio mei ha feitu'u pe 'i mamani, kemou telefoni mai 'i he fika telefoni 02- 6287 4347, pea ke kau mai foki kapau 'oku ke fie kau mai ke fai ha talanoa live on air, pe koha toe me’a ‘oku ke tokanga kiai. 'Oku live stream 'a e polokalama kotoa pe mei he www.cmsradio.org.au