Sunday 9 am - 10 am:
Featuring: 9.00 - 9.30 am: "Cinemascape"
Cinemascape is your weekly guide to the movies. Whatever the genre, whoever the star, Cinemascape will pass judgement on three films each week. The Cinemascape team, a group of film fans from both sides of the silver screen, provoke passionate and informed discussion about every aspect of film. Our reviewers give a well-rounded opinion that takes into account all tastes. One reviewer’s cinematic gold could be another’s celluloid nightmare.
Produced by: EASTSIDE FM
Featuring: 9.30 am - 10.00 am: "Overdrive"
An informed, homorous and irreverent look at look at motoring and transport from Australia and Overseas. Features regualr interview with industry insders and those well-placed for insightful comment. Each ppgoram has the follwoing segments. News, Interviews, Road Test, Quirky News.
Produced by: 2NSB