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Beats 'n' Business 'the voice of our local business community' with Nick Mercer & Phil Daly

The BAY-FM listener love their music (beats), however, they may not be aware of the wide variety of dynamic, innovative and diverse range of business people in the Byron Shire and beyond (business). Now with 'Beats 'n Business' they can have both for two hours every Tuesday, between 11am and 1pm. Hosted by Nick Mercer and Phil Daly, with both alternating weekly.

Nick Mercer, now in his third career, following first ship broking, then direct marketing and customer experience, and now an Artist Agent and Phil Daly, broadcaster, former multipule small business owner and Business/Executive Coach, will bring their knowledge and experience to the microphone to talk with entrepreneurs and small business owners from Byron and beyond, about their business and their lives beyond their business.

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